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Part 2 - EMS views


To be able to successfully participate in Part2, the Part1 of this tutorial must be fully completed. Also, an EMS project with configured users needs to be available. The EMS project needs to be configured in the Arrigo Home project. Contact the support adminstration for this configuration and onboarding. The Arrigo Local installation used in this part of the tutorial needs to be prepared with new templates for tools and views. Download these template files and copy into your Prod:Alib folder on the Arrigo Local computer running EXOdesigner. Ok, let's get started.


For EMS The Arrigo Home Project ID is used to identify the EMS-account. For existing EMS-accounts the ID must be changed by the Arrigo support. Contact support if this is the case.

Connect EMS endpoint to the project

  • [OrgAdmin] Select Arrigo Project created in Part 1.
  • [OrgAdmin] Press "Add endpoint" and add the EMS endpoint.
  • [OrgAdmin] Go to "Home".
  • [OrgAdmin] Press the (EMS) link in the project card to logon to the EMS project.

Now, the Arrigo Home project is connected with the EMS project and a link to EMS is visible in the project card.

Configure Arrigo local for EMS energy reports

Setup folder connections in EMS

This step connects an EMS folder with the Arrigo Local project folder. When logging in with ArrigoID the folder title is fetched from the EMS project, and the ID of the folder is the EMS folder id.

Select an energy report view that should be configured to be visible in the Arrigo Local server.

  • [OrgAdmin] Open EXOdesigner on the Arrigo Local computer.
  • [OrgAdmin] Select the target folder in EXOdesigner. Copy the Name (not Title).
  • [OrgAdmin] Open EMS (by click on EMS link in ArrigoHome project card).
  • [OrgAdmin] Navigate to the folder containing the correct EnergyReport view.
  • [OrgAdmin] On EMS folder, open the Edit menu (click on the three dots, click on the pencil icon in the popup menu) and paste the copied EXOdesigner folder name into the EMS folder Technical name field.
  • [OrgAdmin] Close the view.
  • [OrgAdmin] Open EXOdesigner again, and select an administration folder. If no such folder exists, simply create a new Area named CloudSync.
  • [OrgAdmin] Open FolderViewsTool in the admin folder, select Link Icons and add the template System->Sync folders. The template adds a link icon with a view to sync the folders to the local installation.


Each time a folder is added to, a new sync needs to be performed.

The folder is now ready to be configured for EMS Energy Report Link icon.


If the project is connected to EMS after the first Arrigo Local integration, the configuration files for Arrigo Local needs to be performed again.

  • [OrgAdmin] Go to Arrigo Home, click on the Arrigo Local link in project card, and navigate to the above configured Sync folders view and press the button Sync folders. The folders are now connected and prepared for Arrigo EMS views.

Add energy reports in Arrigo local

The final step is to add the correct LinkIcon to be able to navigate to the Energy Report for the connected folder.

  • [OrgAdmin] Open the 'Arrigo Folder Views' tool for the folder that should include an energy report. (The same folder you connected in previous step).
  • [OrgAdmin] Select Link Icons and add the template Reports-> Cloud Energy Report to the connected folder.
  • [OrgAdmin] Login with ArrigoHome and navigate to the connected folder in Arrigo Local.

Navigate to the Energy report and view the content.


In this tutorial we connected an Arrigo Home project with Arrigo EMS account. We connected an Arrigo Local folder with Arrigo EMS cloud folder through the Technical Name of the Arrigo Local folder name. We synchronized the folders, and added a new route (LinkIcon) to the connected folder. Well done!


More of the EMS views will be available for cloud synchronization.