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Navigate between LinkIcons and Folders

It is possible to navigate in Arrigo with the ClickAction OpenLink and the Link URL set to a macro string.

The OpenLink ClickAction is available from

  • Widget configuration, in the ClickAction attribute.
  • Animation view element ClickAction where available.
  • Animation view OnManuver context this.session.openLink(url) event code call.

Useful when button click in a view or on a widget should trigger a navigation event. Use the Folder:[folderName] syntax in url. It will trigger the browser to do a navigation in the same tab, exactly like the user click on the folder [folderName]. The [folderName] is the technical Name attribute of the folder. (in EXO designer).

Useful when an element in the view should trigger a redirect to settings for that object, or to directly go to alarm list for the view. Use the LinkIcon:[linkIconName] syntax in url. It will trigger the browser to do a navigation in the same tab, in the same folder to the [linkIconName]. The [linkIconName] is the technical Name attribute of the link icon. (in Folder Views tool).

Combine the Folder: syntax with the LinkIcon: syntax to specify both folder and link icon on the same row. Folder:[folderName]:LinkIcon:[linkIconName] forces the navigation to first go to the specified folder, and after that, go to the specified link icon. This overrides the Sticky route behavior.


A Button GoToConf in an animation view Picture for an Air Handling Unit AHU1 should navigate to its child system, the conference room Floor03Conf01. The conference room is another folder, and have the Dashboard LinkIcon as its default. However, the animation view for the conference room is configured as the Picture LinkIcon. Configure the ClickAction attribute with the OpenLink value. In the Link URL attribute, configure the value Folder:Floor03Conf01:LinkIcon:Picture. Save the files and test the configuration. A click on the button GoToConf should now navigate to the Picture LinkIcon in the folder Floor03Conf01.