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Arrigo Local Installer

General information

The Arrigo Local software suite is installed using the Arrigo Local Installer (ALI).

An installer can be downloaded from, and when you run this it will automatically download a newer version of the installer (if available).


Each version of ALI is only compatible with a specific service release of EXODS/EXOscada and this version information is found at

You can also determine the compatible EXODS/EXOscada version by looking at the filename of the installer.
For example, the installer ArrigoLocalInstaller-EXO2019Edition4_243-1.1.240.exe will only run if EXO2019 Edition 4 Service Release 243 is installed.


***Arrigo Local*** Installer will abort the installation if there is a mismatch between its compatible version and the installed version of EXODS/EXOscada.

stable and latest

We supply two types/braches of the installer: stable and latest.

  • A stable version has been field tested for a longer period of time. It can contain bugs but these are mostly know by Team Arrigo and works-arounds exist.
  • latest is a newer version with more functionality and fixes but it hasn't had as many weeks of field testing as the stable branch. It can contain bugs that are unknown to Team Arrigo and depending on the severity on theses bug they can take up to 1-2 weeks to get fixed (and released in a new latest).


Both branches are thouroghly tested by the Arrigo team before being released. But due to the nature of freely programmable systems we can not test all combinations of everything.

Running the installer

Double-click the installer to run it. If a newer version is available you will be prompted to download it and once downloaded the new installer will be started automatically.

Starting with arguments

Open a prompt (cmd.exe or PowerShell), navigate to the installer and pass the appropriate arguments:


C:\Users\{My username}\Desktop\ArrigoLocalInstaller-EXO2019Edition4_243-1.1.240.exe -quiet
Your actual path and ALI version may differ.


Name Description
help Shows the help and exits the installer
quiet Disables the output and uses default values for all prompts
force Skips all version checks. This allows you to downgrade Arrigo Local (if needed)
skipchecks Skips all prerequisites checks. DISCLAMIER! If you skip these checks Arrigo Local might not run correctly
unsafeMode Skip the Windows version checks. DISCLAMIER! If you skip this check Arrigo Local might not run correctly.
pin Skips the online check for newer versions of the installer.
latest Checks for a newer installer in the 'latest' branch.
accepteula Accepts the End User License Agreement without user interaction.
skipdotnetchecks Skips the check for .NET Core Windows Server Hosting
unsignedcadafunction Installs an unsigned version of the Arrigo Scada Function.
debug Produces more verbose log output
skipdotnetchecks Skips the Dotnet Hosting Bundle checks. DISCLAMIER! If you skip this check Arrigo Local might not run correctly.
prepareoffline Runs the installer in "offline preparation mode" (downloading and bundling all prerequisites). Please note that internet connectivity is needed for this to work correctly.
installoffline Runs the installer in "offline mode" using the bundle created by prepareoffline.


The arguments

- `skipchecks`
- `unsafeMode`
- `skipdotnetchecks`

should be used with caution, or preferably when someone from Team Arrigo has explicitly told you so (during a troubleshooting session). Using these arguments can make ***Arrigo Local*** unstable or prevent it from starting.

Offline installation

ALI usually depends on internet access to download prerequisites and packages during the installation. If you need to run ALI on an air-gapped/offline server you must first create a package containing all the prerequisites.

Preparing the installer

Open a prompt (cmd.exe or PowerShell), navigate to the installer and run by passing it the prepareoffline argument:


C:\Users\{My username}\Desktop\ArrigoLocalInstaller-EXO2019Edition4_243-1.1.240.exe -prepareoffline
Your actual path and ALI version may differ.

This will produce a zip file in the same folder containing all the required prerequisites and the installer itself.


Copy the previously created zip file to the air-gapped server and extract it.
Open a prompt (cmd.exe or PowerShell), navigate to the unzipped folder and run the installer by passing the installoffline argument:


C:\Users\{My username}\Desktop\ArrigoLocalInstaller-EXO2019Edition4_243-1.1.240.exe -installoffline
Your actual path and ALI version may differ.


If a severe error is detected during the installation, the installer will abort with exit code 1. A log file is copied to %ProgramFiles%\Arrigo\Arrigo Local\InstallLogs for further analysis.