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Arrigo License Manager installer

The Arrigo License Manager installer is used to install the License Manager. The same installer can be used for regular servers as well as air-gapped servers (on-premise installations without internet connection).

Updating the license manager

When you run the License Manager installer and select install or update, it will automatically download a newer version of the installer (if available).

Starting the installer without arguments

When the License Manager installer is started without any arguments you will be prompted to accept the EULA and then to either install or uninstall. If you choose to uninstall, and there are active licenses and/or licenses with certificates on them, you will be warned and prompted to either abort or proceed with the uninstallation.


If there are active licenses or licenses with certificates on them, there is a risk that the license will still be active in the online system that keeps track of active/inactive licenses. If this were to happen, and you uninstall the License Manager anyway, it's possible to correct this mistake by installing the License Manager again on the given device and deactivate the licenses. Best practice is to ensure all licenses are fully deactivated on the system before uninstall.

Starting with arguments

Open a prompt (cmd.exe or PowerShell), navigate to the installer and pass the appropriate arguments:


C:\Users\{My username}\Desktop\License-Manager-Installer.1.0.69.exe --quiet
Your actual path and installer version may differ.


The installer can be started with several of the following arguments:

Name Description
-h or --help Shows the help and exits the installer
-i or --install Installs the License Manager
-u or --uninstall Uninstalls the License Manager
-f or --forceuninstall Forces an uninstallation. This will uninstall the License Manager even if there still are active licenses/certificates
-a or --accepteula Accepts the End User License Agreement without user interaction
-q or --quiet Disables the output and uses default values for all prompts

Obtain license

  1. Gather information about the target site. Required information:
    • Organization name.
    • Site name.
    • Number of I/O
    • Number of OPC Clients
  2. Contact sales and put an order.
  3. Obtain a license key through e-mail.

Online license activation (standard)

  1. Open the license manager via the shortcut on desktop.
  2. Select product Arrigo Local and paste the license key. Press Add new key.
  3. Drag the key from Inactive to Active.
  4. Verify license content in information panel.
  5. Attach your project and start Arrigo (and EXO).

Offline licensing (air-gapped)

This section explains the procedures for activating and deactivating licenses on air-gapped servers (on-premise installations without internet connection).

Activate license


1. Add the license code

On the offline machine, start the License Manager, select your product, enter your license code and then select Add new key. This should produce a key in your Inactive keys.


2. Retrieve the activation certificate

On the offline machine, select the appropriate key in the Inactive keys list. The activation certificate will be displayed in the Key information section.

Select Download and save the activation certificate on a removable media.


3. Generate the license certificate

On a machine with internet access, go to the Activation Portal and enter the activation certificate in the space provided, then select Activate. Upon successful generation, a license certificate is generated and can be selected and saved on your removable media.


4. Install the license certificate

On the offline machine, in the License Manager, select and drag the appropriate license key to the Active keys list. A prompt will appear where you can enter your license certificate, then select Activate.


Once activated successfully, the license should appear in the Active keys list. You can verify the license information by selecting it.


Deactivate license


1. Retrieve deactivation certificate

On the offline machine, in the License Manager, select and drag the appropriate license key from Active keys to Inactive keys. A prompt will appear where you can select Deactivate.


Select Download and save the deactivation certificate on a removable media.


The license is now inactive on the on-premise computer. Please deactivate the license on the license server to free up the license to be used on another machine. If not, the license can still be activated on the current machine by dragging it to Active keys and selecting Activate

2. Deactivate license on license server

On a machine with internet access, go to the Deactivation Portal and enter the deactivation certificate in the space provided, then select Deactivate. Upon successful generation, the license is now also deactivated in hte license server and can be used on another machine if required.