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Global Arguments

A global argument is just what it sounds like. It is present in all sub folders, all linked views, all linked widgets, linkicons and other dynamic contexts with a corresponding tool. It is not available in static contents such as PDF views, file views, inside svg:s or other referenced material.

The purpose of a global argument is to avoid creation of arguments in every file everywhere. It can be used for selection of a certain sub folder in shared, a version in a file name, or other widespread information.


Use Global Arguments to minimize the number of argument in views. They are Global, which means that they are invisible and available everywhere. Example file attribute: Shared:%view_version%/popup.rwav indicates that on top level for a building, or for an entire project, the versions between buildings can differ and easily switched when building is updated with next version of controller application. The %view_version% is "invisible" in view definition and not mandatory


Use a global argument just as an ordinary argument. The same syntax %ArgumentName% applies for global arguments as well.


All global arguments are instanciated in Folder Tool. However, the value of the argument can be overridden deeper down in the file structure.


In Folder Tool, on the Global Argument instance, the attribute Inherit (default: Yes) indicates if the global argument should span over that folder only, or for all subfolders below that folder.

Override global argument value

Override by redefinition

In a sub folder, create a global argument with the same name as the argument wich should be overridden. Set the value of the argument to the overridden value. Depending on inherit yes or no, the value is overridden in all subfolders as well.

Override by argument to file

In all tools, when a dynamic file is choosen, the file arguments and global arguments is shown. if no value are provided for the global argument, the global arguments default value is used. If a value is entered, that value is used for all sub paths below that file.

Override by local argument with same name

In tools with support for arguments (View Designer, List View, Charts, e.t.c) the global argument can be overridden by defining a local argument. Local argument and their default values have always higher precendence over global arguments.


The name convention is case sensitive. (MyArgument is not the same as MyArgumenT)