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Arrigo projects

The Arrigo project is a soft link to a customer oriented domain. Think of it as a subgroup of endpoints, or as a specific client. All users, if they have access to multiple Arrigo projects, can switch between these in their user dashboard. The user always works in an project in an organization.


Consider an organization which has many endpoints. Some of the endpoints have the same customer. These endpoints can be grouped into the same Project.

Add new Arrigo project

Click on + to add a new Arrigo projec.

  • Title: describes the project for users in ArrigoHome. Any characters are allowed.
  • Click Save.

A unique ID is generated for the Arrigo project and displayed in the ID field.


For EMS The ID is used for identify the EMS-account. For existing EMS-accounts the ID must be changed by the Arrigo support.

Edit Arrigo project

The Title attributes can be edited.

Project image (displayed on the project card)

Click on upload icon to upload a image to the project (optimal aspect ratio 14:4, image size < 50kB ,svg).


Optimal aspect ratio: 14:4. Maximum upload file size: 50 KB. Supported file format: SVG.

Endpoints connection

All connected endpoints to this Arrigo project are listed here (if expanded). Click on Add endpoint to connect an existing endpoint to this Arrigo project. If the endpoint does not yet exist, please add it first.

Groups connection

All connected groups to this Arrigo project are listed here (if expanded). Click on Add group to connect an existing group to this Arrigo project. If the group does not yet exist, please add it first